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Fast tracking FinOps capabilities & value

FinOps Services

Government & Local Authorities

Fast tracking FinOps capabilities & value with embedded expertise

The client has identified FinOps and cloud cost management as an area of focus but are currently at an early stage of development in terms of internal processes and capabilities. While they have pockets of excellence, they want to better understand the potential for growth and advancement whilst ensuring they progress in the manner most effective for their business and internal structure as other parts of the organisation are just starting out.

project overview








& FinOps Tooling

project results

  • Provided Embedded Advisor for FinOps
  • Advised on FinOps tool market
  • Validated existing cost monitoring processes
  • Delivered recommendations for improving cost optimisation


how we engaged

Due to our extensive real-world FinOps experience, ability to support organisations with impartial advice, and tool and training expertise, Synyega were brought in to help guide the support the new central FinOps team on the initial FinOps practices and planning.


our solution

After initial exploratory conversations, we delivered our “Embedded Advisor” service to best meet the client’s needs. Here, one of our experienced FinOps consultants works with the client to support and advise on a variety of FinOps related areas as needed throughout the engagement.

To begin, we delivered a series of update sessions to explain the updated FinOps framework to customer stakeholders. This helped them understand the opportunity and to identify what steps could be taken immediately to help them start on their maturity journey.

We then offered advice and presented information in two key areas: FinOps training and FinOps tools. We helped the client understand the current landscape of training partners and tool capabilities, enabling them to focus on what was most important to them.

Finally, we advised the client on the complexity of working with cloud cost and usage data and also analysed their current processes. Furthermore, we helped them to map out future cost optimization strategies to manage their cloud spend more effectively.


client benefits

Having a clear and comprehensive understanding of the FinOps Framework, aligned with their internal capabilities and plans, meant the client’s internal stakeholders were able to create a realistic and achievable roadmap relatively quickly.

Our insights and advice around the tool landscape meant they were able to avoid purchasing services and tools that were not best aligned to their requirements, both now and in the future. Having this clarity early on means the client can make truly informed tool decisions as they mature, saving time and effort for various teams.

Finally, our process validation work gave the client confidence in their current approach while our optimisation recommendations have provided a clear framework for continuous improvement as their FinOps maturity increases.

"Synyega were willing to really understand where we were on our journey and start helping us with the initial building blocks"

Operations Manager, Central Government Agency

download case study

The client has identified FinOps and cloud cost management as an area of focus but are currently at an early stage of development in terms of internal processes and capabilities. While they have pockets of excellence, they want to better understand the potential for growth and advancement whilst ensuring they progress in the manner most effective for their business and internal structure as other parts of the organisation are just starting out.

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