Balancing Innovation & Sustainability
IT Sustainability Think Tank:
How IT leaders can balance innovation with sustainability
by Rich Gibbons, Head of ITAM & Stephen Old, Head of FinOps at consultancy Synyega.
Published: 12 Aug 2024 in
The hype around AI is increasingly being matched with discussions about how the technology's adoption will affect the environment, so what can IT leaders do to ensure they keep the companies they work for on the forefront of innovation, without compromising the environment - or their firm's own corporate sustainability agenda?

Balancing Innovation & Sustainability Article - Synyega's team speaks to
In their latest article, explores how can leaders can balance innovation with sustainability. The piece includes commentary and analysis from Synyega's Head of FinOps Stephen Old and Head of ITAM Market Development & Engagement, Rich Gibbons. To read the article click here
Our team of GreenOps, FinOps and ITAM are leaders in their field, if you would like to discuss any of the issues raised in the article we would be more than happy to arrange a briefing with one of our team, simply email us at [email protected].