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SynyegaTV Breaking News - IBM Acquires Kubecost



SynyegaTV Breaking News - IBM Acquires Kubecost

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Join Rich Gibbons and Stephen Old as they discuss what this deal means, why it’s happened and who are Kubecost

Join Rich Gibbons and Stephen Old as they discuss what this deal means, why it’s happened and who are Kubecost

They also analyse what this means for the industry, why it’s such an astute move, and the capabilities it gives IBM from here on out.

If you want more analysis and news then SynyegaTV has up to the moment product updates, what is guides explaining basic and not so basic terminology as well as in depth discussions on aspects of ITAM and FinOps.


Click to watch the video 

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BCS SM-ITAM Annual Conference DevEX Connect 2024 SAMsational time at SAMS Europe 2024 

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