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Cost Conscious Architecture

Reducing cloud waste remains as the top challenge for organisations in the State of FinOps Report 2024, the most efficient way to do this is to design architecture and processes that stop waste before it happens.

Many organisations are continuing to follow their on-premise architectural patterns and processes, which do not adequately manage the added complexity of cloud cost management.  Our comprehensive range of FinOps services and our growing team experts are accredited to the highest levels by the FinOps Foundation.


hyperscalers & on premises


Reduce cloud costs

Enable smart carbon design

Remove waste

Cost centric design

Increased collaboration

Design architecture that eliminates waste and complexity

Design architecture that eliminates waste and complexity

Our Cost Conscious Architecture service is designed to both review current workloads and planned workloads as well as the processes in place to allow an organisation to be self-sufficient in cost avoidance.

Working with the current teams of architects and engineers, Synyega’s certified architects, FinOps and licensing experts will work to drive down existing and future costs to help an organisation be as cost and carbon efficient in the cloud as possible.

This service specifically supports the FinOps Framework capabilities of Architecting for Cloud, Workload Optimization, Planning and Estimating and Licensing & SaaS. Bringing teams together to both mature the processes and practices as well as reducing costs.

service deliverables

Detailed workshops reviewing current architectural patterns on existing workloads

Extensive process review for architecture and cloud cost estimations

Augment your architecture team with expertise across FinOps and GreenOps

Develop a continuous improvement and evaluation framework for cloud architecture

Workshop to support finance in understanding estimates and building them into forecasts

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Our comprehensive range of FinOps services are certified by the FinOps Foundation. As a certified Services Provider and Training Provider, our team includes FinOps Professionals, Engineers, Training Instructors and Practitioners. Our experts empower clients to discover, optimise and manage their cloud and software investments through our multi award-winning services. Find out more.

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