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What do the Oracle changes mean for you?

It has been 2 weeks since Oracle published the new licensing rules for Oracle Java. The waves this change has made continue to spread in the SAM community.

The Tsunami effect is evident and anxiety levels are rising but let’s step back and think about what it really means.

What has not changed?

  • The requirement to measure your Java usage across your organisation, end-user devices or server side;
  • The need to understand your organization’s need for Oracle Java, or would alternative Java distributions (Open Source or otherwise) be viable?
  • Qualifying if Software publishers, whose product you use, provide a 3rd party Java licence for you already;
  • The importance of defining where Java sits in your short to medium term business strategy (On-Prem or Cloud)?

The list could go on as each organisation would have a different flavour of Software deployed, development requirements, and legacy products to deal with.

What has changed?

Now let’s look at what has actually changed, and some ways to build resilience:

  • The metric – This affects new Java purchases. If your organisation has purchased Java in the past, your agreement/s governs how Java should be licensed and, possibly, how it should be purchased.
  • Full Use - Is your Java licensed as part of a bundled solution? If yes, then follow that specific agreement to purchase more licences and support. If you require Full Use licences, consider alternative distributions before making that jump to Oracle.
  • Discount schedule – Employee based metrics follow a specific Oracle discount schedule. By mentioning this, Oracle, presumably, draw attention to the fact that your previous discounts would not apply. Instead custom discounts would be sought. Is this a good thing or not? We would err on the side of pessimism…

What can you do?

There are multiple analyses on the internet that will induce panic attacks and, maybe, provide some solutions.

Our advice is simple and is the same as before the change.

  1. Do not contact Oracle;
  2. Quantify your Java usage;
  3. Identify alternative Java distributions;
  4. Set in place a governance model to control, deploy and communicate;
  5. Use Software modernisation and Cloud migration to remove risk;

Oracle has made at least 3 changes in as many years to how Java should be licensed. This is not the last one nor the only product they will change to maximize revenue from loyal or locked-in customers.

Resilience starts with knowledge and control of your organisation’s assets and strategy.

Contact us if you want independent advice and support on Java and Oracle.

There will be a Java dedicated session coming up with our free Oracle training to watch out for, but the next session is open for registrations and is all about licensing pitfalls and audit defence - with time for Q&A at the end. Click Here to register.


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