0800 464 0365

Prepare & Accelerate

Software migrations are some of the most complex and expensive projects in IT so optimal preparation is essential.

a smiling person looking at a laptop


A migration programme may focus on cloud platform costs only, yet in nearly all circumstances software costs present a significantly greater expense and a bigger risk.

Our experts will assess your existing software contracts and model the implications of moving to the cloud.

Providing early insights into potential costs, helping your organisation avoid common pitfalls and make best practice preparations for migration.

a smiling person looking at a laptop


  • On premise software assessment

  • Business case support and design consideration

  • Cloud provier assessment and architectural design review

  • Shelving and bring your own licence (BYOL) support

  • Review of cloud migration tools and services

  • Estimate RoM costs

a smiling person looking at a laptop


  • Proven methodology ensures effective cloud governance

  • Early estimation of likely software costs

  • Understand dual run considerations

  • Eliminate cloud “billshock”

  • Expert advice to avoid licensing pitfalls

  • Mitigate risks

    Avoid common licensing pitfalls

  • Optimise Cost

    Ensure cost optimal future IT estate

  • Deliver on-time

    Anticipate and rectify issues before they effect your timelines

Cloud & Datacentre Migration Specialists

Software migrations are some of the most complex and expensive projects in IT. Without careful attention, software licensing issues can cause costs to escalate or even bring a halt to the programme.

Synyega provides licensing support to some of the worlds biggest cloud & datacentre migration programs, ensuring that organizations avoid common pitfalls and reap the benefit of cloud platforms.

Let us do the heavy lifting.

Prepare and Accelerate
White Paper

two people wearing suits at an office desk
“We went from being sufficiently licenced to efficiently licenced, saving millions of pounds.”
Head of Licensing, Financial Services

Find out more about how we optimise cloud and datacentre migrations

Arrange a free consultation

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