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case studies

How Synyega’s Dynamic SAM approach delivered £23.2 million in software cost savings.

Cost optimising cloud and datacentre migration


Synyega was asked to provide specialist licence optimisation support to a UK Bank as it transformed its IT services as part of a cloud and data centre migration program. Reputation being everything in the banking sector, it was critical to take as much risk out of the migration as possible before any action was taken.


Cloud Migration: Dynamic SAM


Financial Services


£23.2 million




Using Synyegas 3M methodology the bank was able to clearly understand its current licensing positions, understand the implications that the proposed designs would have on software contracts, understand the portability of licensing and understand the impact of dual running of software and develop a sophiscated migration strategy that mitigated risk and optimised cost.

I engaged Synyega to help with challenges caused by migrating from existing data centres to new data centres and cloud platforms. Their breadth and depth of licence knowledge across all my software products was impressive
Head of Infrastructure UK Bank

Fantastic results

Our Dynamic SAM 3M Methodology and Cloud Licence Optimisation Engine turned raw data into useable commercial intelligence


Cost avoidance


Tangible Cost Saving

More results

Migration program was not hindered by licensing issues and ITAM capability was advanced by years.

Unbiased advice backed by years of expertise

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