0800 464 0365

Governments & Local Authorities

Approved and trusted supplier to National Governments and public sector organisations.

a person concentrating and looking at a computer


Passionate about delivering maximum taxpayer value, our consultants have negotiated some of the world’s largest public sector software agreements, including some of the world’s first large scale pan-government Tier 1 software agreements.

a person concentrating and looking at a computer


We are a trusted advisor to UK Public Sector having delivered over £300m in NAO audited cost savings. We are also an approved supplier on the G-Cloud framework and on the UK Governments Digital outcomes and specialists framework.

For US and EU entities we are currently in the process of opening regional offices and will be registering on the relevant supplier frameworks, please get in touch for more information.

Available services

We understand your reality

Our consultants are passionate about taxpayer value

  • Delivered over £300m in NAO audited software savings across the UK public sector
  • Advised National Governments on Pan Government agreements
  • Designed and implemented large scale software lcience review programs spanning multiple government agencies

Our consultants have an excellent track record in this field.

Involved in the negotiation of advised national government on creation of pan government software agreement.

Experts you can trust.

Placing your interests ahead of those of the software industry.

three cheerful people wearing suits in an office
“We went from being sufficiently licenced to efficiently licenced, saving millions of pounds.”
Head of Licensing, Financial Services

Passionate about
Public Sector.

Arrange a free consultation

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